ART COLOGNE conference
Zilkens 6th KA�lner KunstversicherungsgesprA�ch
Thrusday, April 27th
Please note that this conference will be held in German
Brexit, KGSG, Bankenkrise, Eurokrise; Provenienz a�� SchlA?sselbegriffe die in den letzten Monaten immer wieder auch im Kunsthandel diskutiert werden. Neue GeschA�ftsmodelle bei Kunstmessen, durch das Internet oder durch private Initiativen, beeinflussen den Kunstmarkt. Nationalismen gefA�hrden das friedliche Zusammenleben und nebenbei auch Ausstellungen. Kunst benA�tigt im Leihverkehr freies Geleit?
Auf dem Podium diskutieren unter der Leitung von Peter Grabowski u.a.
Birgit Rolfes, Mannheimer Versicherung; Kai Kuklinski, AXA Art Versicherung AG; Kilian Jay von Seldeneck, Lempertz KG; Nicole Oberste-Hetbleck, UniversitA�t zu KA�ln; Daniel Hug, KA�ln Messe.

Conference on Venice Biennale
End May (TBC)
Location and speakers to be confirmed.
Overview of the history of the Venice Biennale, its importance as a cultural and artistic event. Presentation of this yeara��s Biennale and Luxembourga��s contribution.
The Art World
Paradise for Big Data ?

Beginning June (TBC)
Location will be University of Luxembourg.
Presentation & Round Table discussion with Sylvie Gleises (Axa Art), Adeline Pilon (HAPPENING), Adriano Picinati (Deloitte) and several leading art and finance specialists.
THE ART WORLD IS BEGINNING TO TAKE HOLD OF BIG DATA. Earlier this year AXA Art and H A P P E N I N G teamed up to create a white paper analyzing how Big Data is shaping the art world. As well as helping us to develop a more complete vision of the art world, Big Data also offers the possibility to target individuals more closely and to better adapt to their needs. It is for this reason that AXA has created its Data Innovation Lab, dedicated to the creation and development of technologies at the cutting edge of Big Data. Together, AXA Art and H A P P E N I N G will demonstrate how the art world can fully capitalize on the potential of Big Data.
The Art Market in 2017: Challenges and Opportunities
End June (TBC)
Location will be confirmed.
Prof. Dr. Roman KrA�ussl presents its latest findings about the evolution of the Art Market. The seminar will be based on the research which is published in the Prestigious German business outlet Manager Magazin.
Conference Responsible Art Market (RAM)
Tuesday, September 19th
Location will be University of Luxembourg.
The Art Law Foundation & The Art-Law Centre of the University of Geneva together with other partners, have launched a non-profit initiative aimed at identifying Responsible Art Market practices – The Responsible Art Market Initiative (a�?RAMa�?). In conjunction with the Fondation pour le droit de la��art in Geneva LAFA will present their initiative of launching guidelines for countering money laundering and terrorist financing. Issues linked to lack of transparency and authenticity are undermining trust and credibility in the art market. At the same time the legal and regulatory framework within which art businesses are required to operate is evolving and becoming increasingly complex. The Responsible Art Market Initiative (RAM) has been formed in response to these developments. RAMa��s mission is: a�?To raise awareness amongst Art Businesses of risks faced by the art industry and provide practical guidance on establishing and implementing responsible practices to address those risks.a�?

Conference a�?le droit de la��art face aux nouvelles technologiesa�?
Thrusday, October 12th
The speeches will take place alternately in French and English.
RA�unissant artistes et spA�cialistes en droit de la��art, cette confA�rence vise A� rA�pondre aux questions suivantes : Les critA?res juridiques du droit de la��art sont-ils mis A� la��A�preuve par les avancA�es technologiques (art numA�rique, impression 3D, ventes par internet, blockchain, A�uvre virtuelle..) et celles-ci sont-elles un facteur de croissance pour la��art ?
La protection des droits de la��artiste et de ses ayants-droits mais aussi des investisseurs ou collectionneurs ainsi que les A�volutions lA�gislatives souhaitables seront notamment abordA�es.
Les interventions auront lieu alternativement en franA�ais et en anglais.
Combining artists and art law specialists, this conference aims at answering the following questions: are the art law criteria put to the test by technological breakthroughs (digital art, 3D printing, internet sales, blockchain, virtual art worksa��) and are these a growth factor for the art sector?
The protection of the rights of the artists, their heirs, the investors or collectors as well as the required legislative evolutions, if any, will be approached in particular.
Luxembourg Art Week
Managing Artists Estate Date ?
November (TBC)
The seminar session will focus on arrangements living artists should consider implementing with a view to assuring:
- A continued revenue stream at a time when they can no longer create works
- The perennity of their work and name
- The well being of their descendants
- Authentification of the art works they created during their life time.
The speakers will be bankera��s lawyers and practitioners familiar with estate and succession planning, legal vehicles, including trusts and foundations, as well as museum directors.