The Luxembourg Association for Art Galleries and Practitioners (LAFA)
Cycle de conférences | 11–12 Novembre 2021 Organisées dans le cadre de la Luxembourg Art Week / Conferences organized by LAFA during the Luxembourg Art Week on November 11 and 12

Thursday 11 November 2021, 5:00 to 7:00 PM
(conference to be held in English)
Auditorium Degroof Petercam
12 rue Eugène Ruppert, Luxembourg
Recent Art Market Trends
The themes of this mini-conference shall include the following topics:
- What are the perspectives of the European art market post-Covid? Will London maintain its dominant position post-Brexit? What will be the future role of other European art capitals?
- Will fractional ownership of artworks get more relevant? What about tokenisation of artworks, NFTs and what is the latest on art and blockchain?
- What is the future of art fairs?
Moderation :
Professor Dr. Roman Kräussl is Professor of Finance at the University of Luxembourg and Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He received his PhD in Financial Economics at the Center for Financial Studies (CFS) at Goethe-University, Frankfurt. His area of research focuses on Alternative Investments, and he regularly writes for Manager Magazin, the leading German monthly business magazine, on passion investments. His academic research is published in leading economic journals such as The Review of Financial Studies and Management Science and some of his research work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The Economist, the New York Times, and on CNBC. He has taught numerous Executive MBA courses at the Amsterdam School of Finance and at Goizueta Business School at Emory University. Most recently he has developed the Art & Finance Executive Program in cooperation with Christie’s Education.
Panelists :
Stefan Kobel is an art historian and writer specializing in the art market. He is a correspondent for the German financial newspaper /Handelsblatt/ and Austria’s / <>/, besides running a weekly press review at <>. He has written for various publications such as /Frieze/, /Monopol/, /Art + Auction/and /Artnet Magazine/. He was awarded the 2015 ADKV-Art Cologne Prize for independent criticism of the art market. He lives in Wiesbaden.
Aude Lemogne in 2009 Aude co-founded LINK Management, an art wealth management firm, with head offices in Luxembourg and a presence in Germany and France. LINK Management sets up post-war and contemporary art collections for both corporate and private clients and manages private treaty sales of multimillion works of art ranging from impressionism to contemporary art. In 2017, LINK Management launched the art-secured lending firm GRIFFIN ART PARTNERS, a securitization vehicle that structures non-recourse loans for collectors, using art collections as a collateral. Previously Aude was a proprietary trader in New York and London, as well as Senior Risk Arbitrage specialist for ICAP. Aude is currently a member of the Board of Directors of AXA Wealth Europe.
Adriano Picinati di Torcello is the Global Art & Finance Coordinator for the Deloitte network. Consultant for the Finance, Art business and Cultural sectors, he oversees Art & Finance at Deloitte Luxembourg, an initiative he has been coordinating since its beginning. Deeply involved in creating awareness of art and finance, Adriano has initiated the international Deloitte Art & Finance Conference, which has become the annual benchmark event in the field. He is the co-author of the Deloitte and ArtTactic Art & Finance report. Being the spokesman of the Art & Finance initiative within Deloitte, he regularly speaks at international conferences.
Simon Hornby is Senior Vice President and General Manager of Crozier Europe, where he oversees the company’s operations and expansion initiatives. A recognized expert in developing risk assessment programs and mitigation strategies, he speaks internationally on art industry best practices at a variety of conferences and has been on numerous panels including AAM, ARCS, Appraisers Association, Transport Law Association, and lectures annually at The Sotheby’s Institute of Art London MA Art Logistics programme. Prior to joining Crozier in 2009, Hornby served as Senior Vice President and Executive Director of Global Risk Partners, an international risk control and loss prevention firm specializing in fine art and valuables, where he was instrumental in developing the only global art storage assessment and accreditation program (GRASP) for the insurance community. Previously, Hornby held a wide range of senior positions for 17 years at Securicor (now G4S), an international high-value logistics and security company. Hornby has worked in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Miami, New York and is currently based in London.
Other information
Participants to the conference will be given free entry passes to the Preview of LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK, which will take place on the Glacis on November 11 from 7:30 to 10:00 pm. Please note that CovidCheck measures apply to gain access to the venues. Attendance to the conferences is free subject to seat availability but requires prior registration on Parking spaces are available at level -1 of the bank and at street level.
Vendredi 12 novembre 2021, 8h30
(conférence en langue française)
Auditorium Degroof Petercam
12 rue Eugène Ruppert, Luxembourg
La taxation des transactions sur œuvres d’art au Luxembourg
- Dans le chef des galeries et marchands d’art : régimes TVA applicables, droits et taxes à l’importation
- Dans le chef des collectionneurs/acquéreurs et vendeurs : TVA, imposition de la plus-value
- Dans le chef des créateurs : TVA, impôt sur les revenus
- Droit de suite et régime particulier des ports francs et entrepôts sous douane.
Modération :
David Arendt is a Partner of The Directors’ Office, the leading practice of independent Directors in Luxembourg, which he joined in May 2017. David is certified by L’Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (ILA) and INSEAD as a Director. David, whose career spans nearly 40 years, has worked in Europe and the US in law, finance and business. Most recently he was Managing Director of Le Freeport Luxembourg (rebranded Luxembourg high security hub), a high tech/highly secure facility for storing and handling valuable goods and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Cargolux, the all-cargo carrier based in Luxembourg. David is a lawyer by education and practiced law close to 10 years in Luxembourg, New York and Paris. He has extensive experience in the fields of law, IT, corporate control, corporate finance, project management, budgeting, long term planning and administration.
Intervenants :
Karine Bellony, Associée gérante et fondatrice de la société VAT solutions, Karine Bellony, forte de plus de 24 ans d’expérience professionnelle, accompagne ses clients internationaux dans leurs problématiques de TVA intracommunautaires et de Douane aussi bien au Luxembourg que dans les autres Etats membres.
Après des études de droit à l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne et une première expérience professionnelle dans le notariat, Karine a rejoint le groupe Peugeot Citroën pour y occuper pendant plus de 7 ans les fonctions de responsable Représentation Fiscale puis Douane de la filiale transport GEFCO. Au Luxembourg, elle passe 3 ans comme Directrice TVA/Douane au sein de PwC Luxembourg, puis elle rejoint pour une année le groupe Kuehne+Nagel en tant que Senior Vice President VAT. C’est en 2011 qu’elle fonde la société luxembourgeoise VAT solutions. En 2018, pour satisfaire la demande croissante de ses clients, elle ouvre la première filiale de VAT Solutions en France.
Active au sein de plusieurs associations professionnelles, elle intervient régulièrement dans des conférences au Luxembourg et à l’étranger.
Revue Internationale du Patrimoine (Legitech) – Mars 2020 : « TVA en matière immobilière : principes et enjeux d’une juste répartition des services entre pays »
Revue ACE (Kluwer) – Juin 2018 : « entre Douane et TVA : point de friction ? »
Ouvrage collectif (Larcier) « La Fraude à la TVA » – 2017 : « L’assujetti TVA raisonnable ou le comportement en bon père de famille face au risque de fraude à la TVA »
Ouvrage collectif (Larcier) « Patrimoine et œuvres d’art » – 2016 : « Le Freeport Luxembourg »
Revue ACE (Kluwer) – Juin 2013 : « Le Port Franc au Grand Duché de Luxembourg »
Pierre Naquin, is a French entrepreneur active in the fields or art, technology and innovation. He was the founder of Art Exchange, the first securitization platform for the art market. He is the director of Art Media Agency, one of the premier sources of information on the art industry as well as a key content provider for international medias and art professionals. He is the publisher of Art & Taxation for the Global Art Collector, the reference publication for art taxes covering more than 100 territories.
David Maria is a partner and head of the Tax Practice Group at Wildgen. His field of expertise also includes corporate law and he offers specific skills in M&A transactions, company reorganisations and corporate financing. David has worked in tax and corporate law for 20 years and has advised local and international businesses establishing in Luxembourg or setting up operations overseas through Luxembourg. He advises on all aspects of taxation law with particular emphasis on cross-border issues and financings, financial services, investment funds, mergers and acquisitions, group reorganisations, property acquisition and holding structures. He maintains a broad-based practice that covers tax litigation and aspects of estate and individual planning, including wealth transfer strategies. He has advised clients and is experienced at applying Luxembourg’s network of double tax treaties to individual and corporate clients’ particular circumstances. His client portfolio includes Fortune 500, FTSE 100 and other major multinationals as well as HNWIs. David has been recognised for his experience as a leading taxation lawyer in major league tables such as Legal 500.
Autres informations
Les participants se verront offrir une entrée gratuite au Vernissage de LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK qui aura lieu le 12 novembre au Glacis à partir de 18:00. Café, jus d’orange et croissants seront offerts à partir de 8:30. La conférence commence à 09:00 précise. Les règles du CovidCheck sont applicables, c’est-à-dire que chaque participant doit avoir accompli un cycle de vaccination complet, être déclaré guéri ou avoir testé négatif au Sars-CoV-2. Les inscriptions aux conférences sont libres sous réserve des disponibilités de places dans l’auditorium et à condition de s’inscrire à l’adresse email suivante: Des parkings sont disponibles au -1 de la banque.